Top Three Hidden Gems of HubSpot - Campaign Team Edition

As Inveniv’s Campaign Team, our workdays revolve around HubSpot - we often say that we live in the system! HubSpot is more than just a CRM for us; it’s our indispensable partner in everything from crafting eye-catching content to keeping our data organized to automating repetitive tasks. HubSpot is packed with features and tools that make our jobs as marketeers not just easier, but a lot more enjoyable! We’re always excited to dive into the latest updates and clever new tricks from the brilliant minds at HubSpot. While everyone at Inveniv has their own favorite features, here are the Campaign Team’s most recent top three hidden gems of HubSpot…

“Test” feature in Workflows

Workflows are a game-changer in our daily activities. Thanks to HubSpot’s workflows, we can automate many of our marketing tasks, freeing us from tedious manual work and letting us focus on the creative side of things! However, while workflows are amazing, they can cause big headaches if not set up correctly. That’s why it’s so important to test them before flipping the switch. Proper testing keeps our CRM organized and our data accurate.

One of our favorite tools in HubSpot is the workflow “Test” feature. It lets us preview every step a record will take as it moves through each action of a workflow. We use this feature all the time to make sure everything is running smoothly and as expected before we turn the workflow on. Check out this hidden gem below!

Social Media Content Scheduler

We love supporting our clients in perfecting their social media strategy! When there's a big show or product launch coming up, we make sure that their social posts are perfectly scheduled and ready to get out the door. That’s where HubSpot’s social media scheduler saves the day. It connects seamlessly to campaigns in the system, allowing us to track how all campaign assets are performing over time. As the Campaign Team, we’re not only interested in getting the posts LIVE, but we also want to know how our client’s social media is working to generate contacts convert leads. With HubSpot’s analytics and reporting features, we can quickly visualize social media performance to get a better idea on what strategies are working.

A/B Testing

A/B tests are a fantasic way to gain insights into what kind of content resonates with your audience! They allow you to test two versions of a page, which can help to boost conversions and increase clickthrough rates for calls-to-action and email campaigns! HubSpot makes it easy to perform an A/B test, making it one of our top 3 favorite gems of the platform. Here are a few simple steps to set up an A/B test in HubSpot.

  1. Navigate to Content

  2. Select either Website Pages or Landing Pages

  3. Click the name of the page you want to A/B test

  4. Click the File menu and select New > Run A/B test

  5. Click Next

  6. Choose a name for each page variation and click Create Variation

*Note: A/B tests are available on HubSpot’s Content Hub Professional and Enterprise plans


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